Muskoka Marinas is a Clean Marine!
The Ontario-developed Clean Marine Eco-Rating Program is an environmental program that allows marine businesses to follow best practices to reduce and prevent water, air, and land pollution from recreational boating activities in Ontario.
Since the program’s inception in 1995, over 300 businesses have participated, easily making the program the most successful and widely adopted. It is the world’s leading environmental “Best Management Practices” program for marinas, boat dealers, yacht clubs, and marine businesses.
Muskoka Marinas voluntarily joined the program to participate in an independent third party, 220-point assessment. Scores from the assessment are converted into an Eco-Rating system from one to five Green Anchors, with Gold, Diamond and Platinum as the highest achievements. Re-assessments are mandatory every four years with self-assessments conducted annually.
Clean Marine Program Eco-Rated Marinas proudly fly the Clean Marine environmental flag. As a boater, this is your assurance that Muskoka Marinas has adopted the highest environmental standards for marinas in the world!